What used to South Cape May on the Jersey Shore is now mostly under the sea as the beach slowly eroded. Unlike that city’s wooden Victorian houses, this WW2 bunker is too heavy to drift away — but the sand around it is not.
No better place for critter-watching than the beach. This one was on Captiva island in 2021, one year before the big hurricane. I hope it made it.
A blue heron in a sea of blue, as seen at the Calvert Cliffs beach.
Thomas Jefferson built this plantation and called it Monticello — “little mountain”. Note the difference in size, proportion and style between this, a real mansion, and a McMansion.
You may not be able to tell, but there is a mound of (Waiola!) shaved ice under these red beans, and it is all delicious.
Behold, the Maryland state flag — one of the best in the Union — and state flower on top of the Maryland state desert, the Smith Island (birthday) cake. Best of all, this was a birthday we celebrated while on Smith Island.
The iguana on the right was in a bad mood: moments later it slapped the other one with its tail. So much for hanging out.
On a Caribbean island, even the view from an outhouse is approaching transcendence. Especially the view from an outhouse.
Who is the flaneur here?
The Las Vegas travel guide for families: come for the chocolates, stay for the surrounding cactus garden.
As an aside, is there anything more American than being so bored in retirement that you start a new business which 20 years later gets sold back to your old company?