Andrew Gelman has a new — and free — textbook out, Regression and Other Stories. From the cover:
Many textbooks on regression focus on theory and the simplest of examples. Real statistical problems, however, are complex and subtle. This is not a book about the theory of regression. It is a book about how to use regression to solve real problems of comparison, estimation, prediction, and causal inference. It focuses on practical issues such as sample size and missing data and a wide range of goals and techniques. It jumps right in to methods and computer code you can use fresh out of the box.
Between that, his Bayesian Data Analysis and many other freely available lectures and books, has there ever been a better time for high school students bored out of their minds by the pedestrian curriculum? But I am now just projecting to myself from 20-some years ago — I am sure high school students of today would rather spend time on their PS5, and my past self would probably have joined them. (↬Andrew Gelman)